Maturation time of wildtype green fluorescent protein in vitro

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Organism Generic
Reference Iizuka R, Yamagishi-Shirasaki M, Funatsu T. Kinetic study of de novo chromophore maturation of fluorescent proteins. Anal Biochem. 2011 Jul 15 414(2):173-8. p.176 table 1PubMed ID21459075
Method "The maturation kinetics was slow enough to monitor in real time with a spectrofluorometer and fitted well to a single exponential curve, suggesting that the oxidation step is the rate-limiting step in the overall chromophore maturation process (Figs. 1 and 2 see also supplementary material). The observed rate constant was defined as the rate constant of de novo chromophore maturation."
Entered by Uri M
ID 106892