Mutation rate per base pair per replication

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Value 7.2E-11 mutation/bp/replication Range: Table - link mutation/bp/replication
Organism Bread mold Neurospora crassa
Reference Drake JW, Charlesworth B, Charlesworth D, Crow JF. Rates of spontaneous mutation. Genetics. 1998 Apr148(4):1667-86. p.1670 table 4PubMed ID9560386
Primary Source Drake JW, A constant rate of spontaneous mutation in DNA-based microbes.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1991 Aug 15 88(16):7160-4 Table 1 Table - link PubMed ID1831267
Comments "Mutation rates in DNA-based microbes: Rates of spontaneous mutation in this class of organisms were last surveyed in Drake (1991) and are summarized in Table 4 using a few updated values for genome sizes. Unlike the experimental and theoretical limits to the accuracy of the RNA-virus values, the DNA-microbe values were determined in well-studied systems using robust calculations, and the individual values are likely to be accurate to within two-fold. Table 4 shows that µb and G vary inversely and smoothly over nearly four orders of magnitude while µg remains constant. Given the paucity of general, constant values in evolutionary processes, this particular constant is strikingly robust." "In Neurospora crassa (Auerbach 1959) and phage T4 (Drake 1966 Drake and Ripley 1994) (and probably in all organisms at various times), resting genomes mutate in a time-dependent, replication-independent fashion because they accumulate spontaneous DNA damage that engenders mutations when DNA replication resumes, and that may even alter transcription to produce a mutant phenotype before replication. Starving bacteria also mutate in a time-dependent manner, one that probably involves immediate DNA synthesis (e.g., Foster 1997 Torkelsonet al. 1997)." For description of parameters see link
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ID 106747