Genome size

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Value 48502 bp
Organism Bacteriophage Lambda
Reference Sanger F, Coulson AR, Hong GF, Hill DF, Petersen GB. Nucleotide sequence of bacteriophage lambda DNA. J Mol Biol. 1982 Dec 25 162(4):729-73. p.729 top paragraphPubMed ID6221115
Method The dideoxy chain termination method
Comments According to abstract phage Lambda has 46 clearly defined ORFs and another ~20 putative ORFs, totaling ~66ORFs (~60 proteins according to p.730 2nd paragraph). The number of bases is for the double stranded circular chromosome. 48,514 bp according to Lewin, Genes VIII, 2004, p.335 fig.12.11
Entered by Uri M
ID 105770