Voltage dependent activation of Kv2.1

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Value 26 mV Range: Table - link mV
Organism Mammalian tissue culture cell
Reference Park KS, Mohapatra DP, Misonou H, Trimmer JS. Graded regulation of the Kv2.1 potassium channel by variable phosphorylation. Science. 2006 Aug 18 313(5789):976-9. p.977 table 1PubMed ID16917065
Method Expression of isoforms carrying mutated phosphorylation sites and wild-type Kv2.1 in HEK293 (Human Embryonic Kidney 293) cells. Whole-cell patch-clamp was used to analyze Kv2.1 in untreated cells, and cells treated with ionomycin, or with AP dialyzed through the patch pipette.
Entered by Uri M
ID 105740