Genome size

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Value 9.8e+7 bp
Organism Placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens
Reference Srivastava et al., The Trichoplax genome and the nature of placozoans. Nature. 2008 Aug 21 454(7207):955-60. p. 956 left columnPubMed ID18719581
Method Researchers produced a high-quality draft sequence of the ~98 million base pair (megabases, Mb) Trichoplax genome using whole-genome shotgun methods (Putnam et al., 2007 PMID 17615350) with ~8-fold redundant sequence coverage.
Comments Although the Trichoplax body plan is simple, its genome encodes a rich array of transcription factors and signalling pathways that are typically associated with eumetazoan developmental patterning and cell-type specification. Trichoplax chromosome number (2n) is 12 (Andy R. Beaumont, 1994 Genetics and evolution of aquatic organisms, p. 370 2nd paragraph under heading '(a) Platyhelminthes')
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ID 105516