Number of protein coding genes

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Value 11514 unitless
Organism Placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens
Reference Srivastava et al., The Trichoplax genome and the nature of placozoans. Nature. 2008 Aug 21 454(7207):955-60. p. 956 left column bottom paragraphPubMed ID18719581
Method Researchers estimate that the Trichoplax genome contains 11,514 protein coding genes, on the basis of a combination of homology-based and ab initio methods.
Comments Nearly 87% of these predicted genes have detectable similarity to proteins known from other animals, and most (83%) of the ~7,800 gene families that are conserved between the sea anemone and bilaterians (ref 23 in article) have homologues in Trichoplax as detected by BLAST.
Entered by Uri M
ID 105515