Half life of ribosomal protein mRNA

Value 22 min Range: ±6 min
Organism Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Reference Wang Y, Liu CL, Storey JD, Tibshirani RJ, Herschlag D, Brown PO. Precision and functional specificity in mRNA decay. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Apr 30 99(9):5860-5 p.5862 right column 3rd paragraphPubMed ID11972065
Method By using DNA microarrays, researchers precisely measured the decay of each yeast mRNA, after thermal inactivation of a temperature-sensitive RNA polymerase II.
Comments The half-lives of the 4,687 mRNAs analyzed varied widely, ranging from ~3 min to more than 90 min, with a mean of 23 min and median of 20 min. The ribosomal proteins are encoded by 137 different mRNAs (there are 59 duplicated genes) (ref 31). The 131 ribosomal protein mRNAs analyzed in this study had remarkably similar half-lives, with t1/2=22±6min
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ID 104743