Adipocyte turnover rate

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Value 8.4 % per year Range: ±6.2 % per year
Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Spalding, KL. Dynamics of fat cell turnover in humans. Nature. 2008. 453(7196):783-7. p.785 right column top paragraphPubMed ID18454136
Method An analysis of carbon-14 levels and a simple birth and death model determined the death rate to be 8.4 ±6.2 % per year. It was determined that there is an approximately constant number of adipocytes over time after adolescence (650 subjects, ages 20-70). Therefore the birth and death rate must be the same, and equal to the turnover rate.
Comments The value is the median +/- the average deviation. This results in the replacement of half of the body's adipocytes in 8.3 years.
Entered by Phil Mongiovi
ID 103455