Nucleotide misincorporation rate in transcription

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Value 1e-4 mismatch/nucleotide
Organism Bacteria Escherichia coli
Reference Hani S. Zaher and Rachel Green, Fidelity at the Molecular Level: Lessons from Protein Synthesis. Cell Volume 136, Issue 4, 20 February 2009, Pages 746-762PubMed ID19239893
Primary Source Bouadloun, F.,Donner, D., and Kurland,C.G.(1983).Codon-specific missense errors in vivo. EMBO J. 2, 1351–1356. & Edelmann, P., and Gallant, J. (1977). Mistranslation in E. coli. Cell 10, 131–137 & Kramer, E.B., and Farabaugh, P.J. (2007). The frequency of translational misreading errors in E. coli is largely determined by tRNA competition. RNA 13, 87–96. & Laughrea, M., Latulippe, J., Filion, A.M., and Boulet, L. (1987). Mistranslation in twelve Escherichia coli ribosomal proteins. Cysteine misincorporation at neutral amino acid residues other than tryptophan. Eur. J. Bioch. FEBS 169, 59–64. & Rosenberger RF, Foskett G. An estimate of the frequency of in vivo transcriptional errors at a nonsense codon in Escherichia coli. Mol Gen Genet. 1981 183(3):561-3PubMed ID10872330, 138485, 17095544, 3315664, 7038382
Method (Primary source Rosenberger RF, Foskett):The residual ß-galactosidase activity in strains carrying lacZ 2 or the same allele with a rho mutation indicate an RNA polymerase error rate of 1.4x10^-4.
Comments "Transcription and translation proceed with considerably lower levels of fidelity [than DNA replication], with misincorporation rates of 1 in 10^4 and 1 in 10^3–10^4, respectively (primary sources)." This level of accuracy is lower than that of DNA replication and similar to that of translation. See BNID 105212
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ID 103453