Number of base pairs in loop created by Lambda Repressor

Value 2400 bp
Organism Bacteriophage Lambda
Reference Garcia HG, Grayson P, Han L, Inamdar M, Kondev J, Nelson PC, Phillips R, Widom J, Wiggins PA. Biological consequences of tightly bent DNA: the other life of a macromolecular celebrity. Biopolymers. 2007 Feb 585(2):115-30.PubMed ID17103419
Primary Source Dodd IB, Shearwin KE, Perkins AJ, Burr T, Hochschild A, Egan JB. Cooperativity in long-range gene regulation by the lambda CI repressor. Genes Dev. 2004 Feb 118(3):344-54.PubMed ID14871931
Comments Mode of action is repression and activation.
Entered by Uri M
ID 103157