Maximum ATP yield from full oxidation of one molecule of glucose

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Value 29.85 ATP
Organism Generic
Reference Rich, PR. The molecular machinery of Keilin's respiratory chain. Biochem Soc Trans. 2003 Dec31(Pt 6) p.1103, subheading A re-evaluation of yields of ATP synthesis from glucose oxidation.PubMed ID14641005
Method 6.6 ATP from glycolysis (glucose>>2 pyruvate: 4.6 from 2 NADH, and 2 directly), 4.6 ATP from 2 pyruvate >> 2 acetyl-CoA, and 18.6 from the TCA cycle (including 2 ATP from 2 GTP). In other words, 112 H+ are translocated by 10 NADH (10 H+ each) and 2 succinate (6 H+ each). Since the H+/ATP ratio is 13:3, this results in 25.85 ATP. 2 more come from glycolysis, and 2 more from GTP conversion.
Comments This includes the production of two ATP from two GTP during the citric acid cycle. If these two ATP need to be exported, the maximum ATP yield decreases to 29.38 ATP/glucose.
Entered by Phil Mongiovi
ID 101778