Doubling time of haploid cell

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Value 99 minutes Range: ±1 Table - link minutes
Organism Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Reference Talia, S. D., J. M. Skotheim, J. M. Bean, E. D. Siggia, and F. R. Cross, 2007. The effects of molecular noise and size control on variability in the budding yeast cell cycle. Nature 448:947–951. Supplementary information p. 20 table S12PubMed ID17713537
Method Researchers measured times from cytokinesis to budding (G1) and from budding to cytokinesis in haploids, diploids or tetraploids (mothers and daughters), using time-lapse fluorescence microscopy of strains expressing Myo1 tagged with green fluorescent protein (Myo1–GFP).
Comments Media and temperature dependent. Although unspecified, the growth media appears to be glucose according to following sentence from p. 16 in supplementary information: "Glycerol/ethanol supports a much slower growth rate than glucose (170 min compared to 100 min doubling time)..." For doubling time of haploid mother cell from the same article see BNID 104360. For 100 min in rich medium see BNID 100270.
Entered by Ben Marks
ID 101310