Mutation rate per genome per replication

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Value 0.16 mutation/genome/replication Range: Table - link mutation/genome/replication
Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Drake JW, Charlesworth B, Charlesworth D, Crow JF. Rates of spontaneous mutation. Genetics. 1998 Apr148(4):1667-86 p.1673 table 5PubMed ID9560386
Method Calculated from 5×10^-11 mutation/base pair/replication taking genome size to be 3.2×10^9 base pairs. 5×10^-11mutations/base pair/replication×3.2×10^9base pairs/genome=0.16 mutation/genome/replication. Notice that this is per replication not per sexual generation
Comments "The low mutation rate per effective genome per generation in C. elegans (Table 5) may reflect the high degree of self-fertilization in this species. The fact that effective mutation rates in different species of bacteria and lower eukaryotes are similar (Table 4), despite wide variations in genome size and mode of reproduction, suggest either that differences in breeding system do not in fact matter very much, or that there is enough recombination in ostensibly asexual organisms such as bacteria (Maynard Smith 1991) that the differences in breeding system are more apparent than real. If the latter is the case, then the much higher effective mutation rates in higher eukaryotes (Table 5) can only be explained in the present model by a greatly increased cost of fidelity of replication per generation. Unfortunately, quantitative data on this cost are completely lacking, so that this conclusion remains speculative." Table 5 also gives: 1)Mutation rate per effective genome per replication, calculated thus: Taking 8×10^7 bases as effective genome (portion of genome in which mutations are deleterious): 8×10^7×5×10^-11=0.004mutations per effective genome per replication. 2)Mutation rate per effective genome per sexual generation calculated by assuming that overwhelming majority of mutations take place in males and that number of divisions prior to sperm formation in male of age 30 is 400: 0.004mutation/base pair/replication×400replications/generation=1.6 mutations/effective genome/sexual generation. For description of parameters in table see notes (PMID 10415476) beneath table 4 - link See BNID 104752, 100414
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ID 100417